When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

At Saks Dental Studio Allen , our primary goal is to help and restore the health of your natural teeth. However, there are instances where removing a tooth becomes necessary for the overall well-being of your mouth. We often come across the following situations that may necessitate a tooth extraction:
What Are Wisdom Teeth - Wisdom Teeth Removal in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, are commonly located at the back of the mouth. Although most people have four wisdom teeth, this is not always the case. The quantity of these teeth differs among individuals, with some having none, less than four, or even more than four. The number of wisdom teeth a person has is solely dependent on their individual circumstances.

Why Would Someone Need Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth typically emerge in the late teens or early adulthood, often causing sensitivity and discomfort as they break through the gums. These teeth do not serve a specific function, so it is perfectly acceptable to have them extracted. However, if they have fully erupted and are not causing any issues with tooth alignment, you may choose to retain them. Nevertheless, it is common to remove wisdom teeth even in the absence of immediate problems, as they are difficult to clean due to their location at the back of the mouth. Failure to maintain proper oral hygiene for wisdom teeth can lead to decay and cavities, ultimately necessitating their complete removal.

When there is insufficient room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to emerge naturally, they become impacted beneath the gum surface. This can lead to various issues, including:

If you're considering removing your wisdom teeth, our dentists in Allen recommend scheduling a routine cleaning and check-up appointment. By examining your mouth and teeth with a clean canvas and x-rays, we can gain a clearer understanding of their current condition. This will enable us to make the most informed decision for the overall health of your mouth.
What To Expect After Wisdom Tooth Removal - Wisdom Teeth Removal in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

What To Expect After Wisdom Tooth Removal

After your surgery, our goal is to make sure you have all the necessary information to take care of your mouth at home. You will receive a detailed packet with instructions on how to properly care for your mouth and take necessary precautions for a safe and speedy recovery. If you experience any pain, discomfort, or bleeding, please don't hesitate to contact our clinic so we can assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment.

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