What Are Sealants?

Why You Might Benefit From Sealants - Dental Sealants in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

Why Might You Benefit From Sealants?

Sealants offer numerous benefits for individuals with grooves, deep fissures, and pitting on their back teeth. These features often pose difficulties in maintaining good dental hygiene. Moreover, these areas are prone to stubborn stains and are more susceptible to tooth decay. Regardless of age, getting sealants can be highly advantageous for both children and adults.

What Makes A Person A Candidate For Sealants?

By conducting a comprehensive evaluation, Our Allen dentists can assess whether sealants are suitable for you At Saks Dental Studio Allen . Sealants are highly beneficial for patients of any age, but we particularly suggest them for our younger patients who may still be developing proper brushing and flossing techniques. If you currently have older sealants, we can effortlessly replace them at a time that suits you best. It is important to note that sealants naturally wear off within approximately one to three years after their initial application.
What Happens During The Sealant Procedure - Dental Sealants in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

What Happens During The Sealant Procedure?

Come to our office for a quick and simple sealant procedure that only takes minutes. We start by cleaning and drying your back teeth. Then, we apply a clear liquid varnish to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. After drying and curing the sealants with a bright light, we repeat the process for any other back teeth that need protection. Remember to continue brushing and flossing your teeth normally, as sealants do not cover the front teeth or the spaces between the back teeth. If you want to know more about sealants, contact our dental office today, and our friendly staff will be happy to answer your questions.

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