What Is A Dental Filling?

Why Might A Dental Filling Be Needed - Dental Filling in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

Why Might A Dental Filling Be Needed?

If you neglect a cavity for too long, it may eventually necessitate a complete root canal procedure, which can weaken the tooth over time. To safeguard the tooth and eliminate the underlying decay, our dentists in Allen suggest getting a filling. At Saks Dental Studio Allen , our fillings are straightforward restorations that can be color-matched to your natural smile.

Who Is A Candidate For Dental Fillings?

In most instances, cavities can go unnoticed until you visit us for an examination. Our examination involves the use of a specialized instrument to detect any dark areas or areas of weakness in your teeth. X-rays are also utilized to assist us in identifying these problematic areas. If a cavity is detected, it is advisable to have it filled as soon as possible rather than delaying the treatment.
What Happens During The Dental Filling Process - Dental Filling in Allen, TX - SAKS Dental Studio

What Happens During The Dental Filling Process?

To begin the dental filling procedure, we first numb the specific area in the mouth that requires treatment. Once the decay is completely removed from the tooth, we proceed to prepare the tooth for the new composite filling. This involves applying an etching gel into the small hole, rinsing it off, and then filling the hole with resin. The resin is then cured and hardened using a special dental light. It is worth noting that we can place multiple fillings in the same area if necessary. We highly recommend seeking treatment as soon as a cavity is detected.

If you have any questions or would like more information about dental fillings, please don't hesitate to contact our office in Allen TX. Our friendly team members will be more than happy to assist you.

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